Map of the Most Common Y-DNA Haplogroups

Human migration shapes genetic diversity through Y-DNA haplogroups. Key haplogroups are linked to specific geographic regions.

Countries with the Most Similar Food to Tunisia

1. Algeria, 2. Morocco, 3. Libya, 4. Syria, 5. Jordan

Countries with Traits that Span Across Regions (Pt. 2)

The world is divided into 9 regions, but some countries share traits with multiple regions, such as Turkey and the Philippines.

Countries with Traits that Span Across Regions (Pt. 1)

The world is divided into 9 regions, but some countries share traits with multiple regions, such as Sudan and Pakistan.

Countries with the Most Similar Food to Mali

1. Senegal, 2. Niger, 3. Cameroon, 4. Burkina Faso, 5. Sudan

The Middle Eastern Country Most Similar to Latin America

1. Tunisia, 2. Lebanon, 3. Morocco, 4. Algeria, 5. Iraq