Countries with the Most Similar Food to Georgia

Country Food Similarity Index - Map of Countries with Similar Food to Georgia

The Country Food Similarity Index is a statistically-based attempt to quantify how similar the food in one country is relative to another. By comparing the weight of raw food ingredients used in each country, a score is assigned that reflects the degree of similarity between the respective countries. The methodology is exactly the same for each country studied. 

5 Countries with the Most Similar Food Ingredients to Georgia

Georgia, nestled at the crossroads of Eastern Europe and Western Asia, boasts a rich culinary heritage that reflects its diverse cultural influences. However, four of the five countries with the most similar food to Georgia are located in Europe.

  1. Armenia is on Georgia’s southern border. Both cuisines feature grilled meats and the use of fresh herbs. Furthermore, flatbreads like lavash and khachapuri, a cheese-filled bread, are popular in these nations. Their people also enjoy stuffed grape leaves, known as dolma. However, beef is less commonly eaten in Georgia than in Armenia.
  2. Romania and Georgia are both mountainous countries that border the Black Sea. These countries also have many culinary overlaps. Dumplings, grilled meats, and an array of pickled vegetables showcase the culinary parallels between the two nations. However, pork is less commonly eaten in Georgia than Romania.
  3. Moldova is another country that was once part of the Soviet Union. Grapes are quite popular in both nations. Moldova offers Mămăligă filled with cheese, meat, or pumpkin, while Georgia presents Khinkali, a larger dumpling filled with spiced meat or cheese. The use of garlic and paprika on their meats is another similarity.
  4. Bosnia & Herzegovina is yet another Balkan country on this list. In both countries, wheat and potatoes are the two main starches. Bread is especially popular in these countries. Stuffed dishes are a culinary feature shared by both Bosnia and Georgia. Bosnian Dolma, grape leaves stuffed with a mixture of rice and minced meat, echoes Georgia’s Tolma.
  5. Bulgaria is located across the Black Sea from Georgia. Both countries embrace grilled meats, vegetables, and an array of flavorful spices. Georgia’s khachapuri echoes in Bulgaria’s banitsa, a traditional pastry filled with cheese or spinach. They also love for yogurt-based dishes, such as Georgia’s matsoni and Bulgaria’s ayran.

Related: The 10 Most Similar Countries to Georgia

5 Countries with the Least Similar Food Ingredients to Georgia

Four of the five countries with the least similar food to Georgia are located in Africa. Most of the land in these countries has a tropical. As a result, their agriculture is extremely different. With the exception of Micronesia, these countries have little to no coastline, unlike Georgia.

  1. Central African Republic was once a colony of France before becoming independent. Cassava and yam are two of the most commonly eaten staple ingredients in the country. Furthermore, taro and bananas make up a much greater share of the diet in Central African Republic than in Georgia.
  2. Chad is a landlocked country in the middle of Africa that is mostly Muslim. As a result, pork is not nearly as widely consumed there. Furthermore, sorghum and millet are the two most commonly consumed grains in Chad. These crops are well adapted to the Sahel’s harsh climate.
  3. South Sudan is a located to the east of Central African Republic. Cassava accounts for the largest part of the country’s diet, however South Sudanese eat their share of sorghum as well. Beef is the most commonly consumed meat in the South Sudan, while chicken is a more popular source of protein Georgia.
  4. Micronesia is a group of small islands in the Pacific Ocean. The country’s isolation has limited its exposure to foreign influences. Coconuts are a huge part of their cuisine. In addition, rice and cassava are the two most commonly eaten starches in Micronesia.
  5. Democratic Republic of Congo is mostly rainforest, so its climate is much hotter and humid than Georgia’s. Cassava is the dominant staple food in the country. The most commonly eaten meat in Congo is freshwater fish, whereas chicken is more popular in Georgia.

Related: The 10 Least Similar Countries to Georgia

Full Food Similarity Ranking of Countries and Territories

Georgia’s Most Common Food Ingredients

Protein: Chicken, Egg
Fruit: Grape, Banana
Vegetable: Tomato, Onion
Starch: Wheat, Potato

Primarily based on 2020 data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.N.

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