Countries with the Most Similar Food to Cameroon

Country Food Similarity Index - Map of Countries with Similar Food to Cameroon

The Country Food Similarity Index is a statistically-based attempt to quantify how similar the food in one country is relative to another. By comparing the weight of raw food ingredients used in each country, a score is assigned that reflects the degree of similarity between the respective countries. The methodology is exactly the same for each country studied. 

The Most Similar Cuisines to Cameroonian Food

Cameroonian cuisine is diverse and influenced by various ethnic groups, making it a unique blend of flavors. Its culinary traditions often vary within its regions and communities. Four of the five countries with the most similar food to Cameroon border the Atlantic Ocean. These countries also have significant populations of both Christians and Muslims.

  1. Nigeria is located to the west of Cameroon. It shares some similarities in terms of ingredients and cooking styles. Rice, cassava, and yams are three commonly eaten staples in these countries. In addition, both countries use a variety of spices, and dishes with saltwater fish are popular.
  2. Ghana and Cameroon do not border each other, but they also have similar food. These countries eat traditional fermented corn and cassava doughs. They are often served with soups, stews, or sauces. Okra and peanuts are popular ingredients commonly used in these dishes.
  3. Ivory Coast is on Ghana’s western border. Like Cameroon, it is another French-speaking country in Africa. Both countries embrace staples like jollof rice and fufu paired with diverse soups. Plantains, cassava, and yams play central role in their cuisines, while palm oil adds flavor to stews.
  4. Benin is another nation that shares some culinary similarities with Cameroon. Both countries share a fondness for spicy and flavorful dishes. Staples like rice, maize, and cassava are prevalent in both cuisines. Fufu, made from cassava or yams, is a common side to soups and stews.
  5. Rwanda is the only country that is not in West Africa on this list. Plantains are a versatile ingredient in both cuisines. They can be used in various stews and soups. Beans are common as well. However, since Rwanda is landlocked, eating freshwater fish is more common than saltwater fish.

Related: The 10 Most Similar Countries to Cameroon

The Least Similar Cuisines to Cameroonian Food

The four of the five countries with the least similar food to Cameroon are landlocked. With the exception of Mongolia, they are all located in Eastern Europe. Furthermore, their climates are much cooler and drier than Cameroon’s. Their people tend to consume a greater amount of wheat and potatoes.

  1. Poland‘s diet is heavy in pork products. In contrast, pork is not as commonly eaten in Cameroon. Polish cuisine uses a range of condiments like sour cream, mustard, and horseradish to enhance the flavors of dishes. Cameroonian cuisine uses more peanut-based sauces, palm nut sauces, and tomato-based sauces.
  2. Mongolia is a sparsely populated country between Russia and China. Its cold, dry climate makes it difficult to grow crops. The country relies on animal husbandry for a large portion of its food. Mongolians tend to eat much more meat from cattle, sheep, and goats than Cameroonians. They also eat more dairy products, especially yogurt.
  3. Slovakia is another Slavic country on this list. Potato-based dishes are popular there. Soups, stews, and grilled meats are staples, showcasing the hearty and comforting nature of Slovakian meals. The use of local produce, dairy, and meats contributes to the country’s diverse culinary offerings.
  4. Hungary is known for its robust and savory flavors. Paprika is a key ingredient, and dishes like goulash, a meat stew with paprika and other spices, are iconic. Dumplings and hearty soups, such as “babgulyás,” are common. The use of sour cream, potatoes, and various meats adds to the hearty nature of Hungarian meals.
  5. Czech Republic distinguishes itself with ingredients like dumplings, sauerkraut, and cream-based sauces, such as those found in dishes like svíčková. These elements, set Czech cuisine apart from the ingredients commonly found in Cameroonian dishes, which often feature tropical produce and a diverse range of local spices.

Related: The 10 Least Similar Countries to Cameroon

Full Food Similarity Ranking of Countries and Territories

Cameroon’s Most Common Food Ingredients

Protein: Saltwater Fish, Chicken
Fruit: Banana, Pineapple
Vegetable: Tomato, Bean
Starch: Cassava, Corn

Primarily based on 2020 data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.N.

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