Countries with the Most Similar Food to Morocco

1. Algeria, 2.Tunisia, 3. Libya, 4. Cyprus 5. Georgia

Countries with the Most Similar Food to Taiwan

1. Japan, 2. South Korea, 3. Malaysia, 4. Thailand, 5. China

The South Africa Food Region

Characteristics of countries in the South Africa Food Region

The East Africa Food Region

Characteristics of countries in the East Africa Food Region

Countries with the Most Similar Food to North Korea

1. South Korea, 2. China, 3. Japan, 4. Cape Verde, 5. Taiwan

Countries with the Most Similar Food to Libya

1. Algeria, 2. Tunisia, 3. Jordan, 4. Morocco, 5. Iraq

Countries with the Most Similar Food to South Korea

1. Japan, 2. Taiwan, 3. North Korea, 4. Malaysia, 5. Thailand

Countries with the Most Similar Food to China

1. Japan, 2. Taiwan, 3. South Korea 4. North Korea, 5. Qatar

Countries with the Most Similar Food to Algeria

1. Morocco, 2.Tunisia, 3. Azerbaijan, 4. Iran, 5. Libya