Countries with the Most Similar Food to Switzerland

Country Food Similarity Index - Map of Countries with Similar Food to Switzerland

The Country Food Similarity Index is a statistically-based attempt to quantify how similar the food in one country is relative to another. By comparing the weight of raw food ingredients used in each country, a score is assigned that reflects the degree of similarity between the respective countries. The methodology is exactly the same for each country studied. 

The Most Similar Cuisines to Swiss Food

Switzerland, located at the crossroads of several European regions, boasts a rich culinary tradition influenced by its diverse cultures. While Swiss cuisine is unique, there are other European nations that have similar food ingredients, according to the data.

  1. Luxembourg and Switzerland are two landlocked countries that are influenced by both French and Germanic traditions. The love for stews and potato-based dishes is a common thread in both Swiss and Luxembourgish kitchens. They also share a fondness for pork sausages. Furthermore, both countries are well known for their chocolate.
  2. Sweden is part of Scandinavia, but its food ingredients happen to be similar to Switzerland’s as well. Both countries have cold climates so this has lead to a reliance on hearty and warming dishes that feature ingredients like potatoes and preserved foods. Root vegetables such as carrots, turnips, and beets are commonly used in their cuisines.
  3. France is to the west of Switzerland. The French influence on Swiss food is evident in the emphasis on high-quality ingredients and meticulous preparation. Cheese is extremely popular in both countries. Both cuisines also showcase a love for pastries, with French croissants and Swiss pastries being close cousins in the world of baked goods.
  4. United Kingdom is another country that has both French and Germanic influences. Both countries have many cross-cultural influences that have led to the incorporation of similar ingredients and preparation methods. The combination of meat and potatoes is a common in both cuisines. Cheese and bread are also popular ingredients.
  5. Norway is yet another country that borders the North Sea on this list. Despite being landlocked, the Swiss tend to consume a lot of fish, just like Norway. Both wealthy countries are mountainous and have cold climates. As a result, they rely on hearty and warming dishes that feature ingredients like potatoes and preserved foods.

Related: The 10 Most Similar Countries to Switzerland

The Least Similar Cuisines to Swiss Food

Four of the five countries with the least similar food to Switzerland are located in Africa. The climate in these countries is also significantly warmer. This affects what type of crops are grown in these countries. Moreover, these countries are much less developed than Switzerland. Neither potatoes nor pork are commonly eaten in these countries.

  1. Chad is a landlocked country that borders the Sahara Desert. Sorghum and millet are the two most commonly consumed grains in the country. These crops are well adapted to the Sahel’s harsh climate. Beef is the most popular meat, but lamb meat is also often eaten there. One popular dish is saka-saka, a mix of spinach and cassava leaves.
  2. South Sudan is another country that borders Sudan. Cassava is the staple food, however the country eats its share of sorghum as well. Porridge is one of the most popular dishes in the country. Unlike in Switzerland, pork is not a commonly consumed meat in the South Sudan.
  3. Micronesia is a group of small islands in the South Pacific Ocean. It relies extremely heavily on seafood and tropical fruits as a result. The country’s relative isolation has limited its exposure to foreign influences.
  4. Central African Republic borders both Chad and South Sudan. Cassava and yams are two of the most commonly eaten ingredients in the country. Furthermore, taro and bananas are a much greater share of the diet in Central African Republic than in Switzerland.
  5. Democratic Republic of Congo is a country in the middle of Africa. The most commonly eaten meat in Congo is fish, whereas pork and beef are more popular in Switzerland. Furthermore, in contrast to Switzerland, their diet has little meat in it.

Related: The 10 Least Similar Countries to Switzerland

Full Food Similarity Ranking of Countries and Territories

Switzerland’s Most Common Food Ingredients

Protein: Pork, Beef
Fruit: Apple, Banana
Vegetable: Tomato, Lettuce
Starch: Wheat, Potato

Primarily based on 2020 data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.N.


  1. 17.) BELGIUM is another country with a mix of French and Germanic language speakers. Cheese plays a significant role in both Belgian and Swiss cuisines. Furthermore, both Belgium and Switzerland are renowned for their chocolate-making traditions. Traditional dishes such as stews, roasts, and sausages are common in their diets.

  2. 6.) GERMANY is to the north of Switzerland. Both German and Swiss cuisines make extensive use of meat, particularly pork, beef, and veal. Furthermore, potatoes are a staple ingredient in both cuisines and are prepared in various ways, such as mashed, boiled, or fried. Also, bread and dairy products are important components of meals in both cuisines, with a variety of breads, cheeses, and dairy-based dishes being popular. Moreover, sausages are widely enjoyed in both German and Swiss cuisines, with numerous regional variations and specialties.
    7.) SLOVAKIA is another mountainous country in Europe. Both countries are known for their dairy products. Cheese, in particular, is a staple in both cuisines. In addition Switzerland and Slovakia often use potatoes in their traditional meals. Their dishes often feature seasonal vegetables, meat, and sometimes dumplings.
    8.) IRELAND and Switzerland are cultural melting pots, so they wide variety of different ingredients in their cuisines. In fact, there is some evidence in that many Celts lived in what is now Switzerland, giving the birth of the La Téne culture. Both have a strong tradition of dairy production. Swiss cheese varieties, such as Emmental and Gruyère, are well-known globally. Similarly, Irish cheeses like Dubliner Cheddar and Cashel Blue are popular as well. Furthermore, potatoes are especially popular staples in both cuisines.
    9.) AUSTRIA is another mountainous country in Western Europe. Both countries are known for their dairy products. Cheese, in particular, is a staple in both cuisines. In addition Switzerland and Austria often use potatoes in their traditional meals. Their dishes often feature seasonal vegetables, meat, and sometimes dumplings.

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