Countries with the Most Similar Food to Gabon

Country Food Similarity Index - Map of Countries with similar food to Gabon

The Country Food Similarity Index is a statistically-based attempt to quantify how similar the food in one country is relative to another. By comparing the weight of raw food ingredients used in each country, a score is assigned that reflects the degree of similarity between the respective countries. The methodology is exactly the same for each country studied. 

The Most Similar Cuisines to Gabonese Food

Gabon’s cuisine has a unique blend of flavors and ingredients. The five countries that have the most similar food also have tropical climates and are located close to the equator. Four of the five are African countries that border the Atlantic Ocean. All these countries are not especially well developed and many of their people still rely on subsistence farming.
(Please note that FAOStat data does not include Equatorial Guinea, so it was not analyzed)

  1. São Tomé and Príncipe is an archipelago just off of Gabon’s coast. Both countries have a strong tradition of incorporating fish into their cuisine, especially Makerel. Many of their dishes feature meat cooked in a rich palm nut sauce. Cassava is a staple, and it is used to make various dishes in these countries.
  2. Ghana and Gabon commonly eat starchy side dishes such as cassava, yams, and plantains. Both cuisines also incorporate a variety of peppers and spices to add flavor and heat to their dishes. Onions, garlic, and hot peppers are commonly used in Ghanaian and Gabonese cooking.
  3. Papua New Guinea is located in the South Pacific, but it has similar food ingredients to Gabon. The use of root vegetables, particularly cassava and taro, is one significant similarity between their cuisines. In addition, bananas are by far the most commonly eaten fruit in both nations.
  4. Liberia and Gabon are geographically distant and have distinct cultural influences, but there are some general similarities in their food ingredients. Chicken is the most commonly eaten meat in both countries. Cassava is a popular source of carbohydrates in these nations, but Liberians tend to eat more rice and less yams.
  5. Republic of Congo shares a border with Gabon. Its staples like cassava, plantains, peanuts, and fish are also popular in Gabon. Dishes such as maboké (grilled fish or meat wrapped in banana leaves) and poulet nyembwe (chicken simmered in a palm nut sauce) are found in both countries.

Related: The 10 Most Similar Countries to Gabon

The Least Similar Cuisines to Gabonese Food

All five countries with the least similar food to Gabon are landlocked. In addition, these countries also have much drier climates than Gabon, so their agriculture is far different. Their landscapes are not nearly as densely forested. Four of the five countries are predominately Muslim.

  1. Niger is located in the Sahara Desert, so it has an extremely dry climate, in contrast to Gabon. Its two most common staple foods are millet and sorghum, while Gabon consumes more cassava and yam. Beef and goat are Niger’s two most popular meats, while chicken and fish are more popular in Gabon.
  2. Mongolia has a cold, dry climate that makes it difficult to grow crops. As a result, the country relies on animal husbandry for a large portion of its food. Mongolians tend to eat much more meat from cattle, sheep, and goats than people in Gabon. They also eat more dairy products, especially yogurt.
  3. Tajikistan is a mountainous country in Central Asia that was once part of the Soviet Union. Tajik cuisine features stews, dumplings, and bread, and the extensive use of lamb and beef, in stark contrast to Gabon. The Tajik people incorporate spices such as cumin, coriander, dill, and parsley, which are not as common in Gabonese food.
  4. Uzbekistan is another Central Asian country on this list. Its cuisine features a mix of traditional Uzbek and Russian dishes. Potatoes and wheat are two of the most commonly consumed starches in Uzbekistan, unlike in Gabon.
  5. Chad and Gabon both border Cameroon. However, their food ingredients are significantly different. Chad heavily relies on staple foods like millet, sorghum, corn, and beans. In addition, tropical fruits are less commonly eaten there than in Gabon.

Related: The 10 Least Similar Countries to Gabon

Full Food Similarity Ranking of Countries and Territories

Gabon’s Most Common Food Ingredients

Protein: Chicken, Saltwater Fish
Fruit: Banana, Apple
Vegetable: Onion, Peanut
Starch: Cassava, Yam

Primarily based on 2020 data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.N.

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