Countries with the Most Similar Food to Rwanda

Country Food Similarity Index - Map of Countries with Similar Food to Rwanda

The Country Food Similarity Index is a statistically-based attempt to quantify how similar the food in one country is relative to another. By comparing the weight of raw food ingredients used in each country, a score is assigned that reflects the degree of similarity between the respective countries. The methodology is exactly the same for each country studied. 

The Most Similar Cuisines to Rwandan Food

Rwanda is a landlocked tropical nation nestled in the middle of Africa. Its neighboring countries have cuisines that are alike as well. The top five countries with the most similar food have diets that are heavily based in cassava and bananas. Four of the five countries border one of the African Great Lakes.

  1. Burundi and Rwanda are two of the most similar countries. They were once a single territory ruled by Belgium called Ruanda-Urundi until 1960. Furthermore, the languages they natively speak there are mutually intelligible. Their food is also similar. Meals in Rwanda and Burundi often feature hearty servings of “Ugali,” made from maize flour. Furthermore, these nations tend to consume a lot of bananas.
  2. Uganda is on Rwanda’s northern border. The dishes in these countries are often complemented by beans and a variety of vegetables. Matoke, a dish of cooked green bananas or plantains, is also enjoyed in both countries. Fish are an extremely popular source of protein in these countries as well.
  3. Tanzania borders both Uganda and Rwanda. Both countries consume a lot of beans and a variety of vegetables. The prominence of bananas in Tanzania’s cuisine can also be found in Rwanda’s too. Furthermore, grilled meats are commonly eaten in these countries as well.
  4. Cameroon and Rwanda do not border each other, but their food ingredients are similar. Cassava is the most commonly eaten starch in both countries. Fufu-like dishes are made in both nations. Furthermore, bananas and pineapples are popular tropical fruits in these countries.
  5. Malawi is another landlocked country in the African Great Lakes region. As a result, fish are a popular source of protein. Grilled meat skewers, known as brochettes, are popular in Malawi and Rwanda. While both countries eat a lot of cassava, corn is more commonly consumed in Malawi than in Rwanda.

Related: The 10 Most Similar Countries to Rwanda

The Least Similar Cuisines to Rwandan Food

The five countries with the least similar food have climates that are vastly different from Rwanda’s tropical climate. As a result, their crops are disimilar. Wheat is the most commonly eaten starch in these countries. Furthermore, banana is a significantly smaller portion of their diets.

  1. Turkmenistan is a Central Asian country that was once part of the Soviet Union. Wheat, potatoes, and lamb are key ingredients in Turkmen cuisine. The country’s culinary traditions reflect the rich nomadic heritage of the Turkmen people.
  2. Poland‘s diet is heavy in pork products, in contrast to Rwanda, where beef and fish are more popular. Polish cuisine uses a range of condiments like sour cream, mustard, and horseradish to enhance the flavors of dishes. Rwanda uses more peanut-based sauces and chili peppers.
  3. Hungary is known for its robust and savory flavors. Paprika is a key ingredient, and dishes like goulash, a meat stew with paprika and other spices, are iconic. Dumplings and hearty soups, such as “babgulyás,” are common. They also eat a lot of sour cream and potatoes.
  4. Tunisia is also an African country. However, other than that, these countries have little else in common. In Tunisia, couscous and bread are essential staple foods, while cassava and sweet potatoes are more common in Rwanda.
  5. Mongolia has a cold, dry climate that makes it difficult to grow crops. As a result, the country relies on animal husbandry for a large portion of its food. Mongolians tend to eat much more meat from sheep and goats than Rwandans. They also eat more dairy products, especially yogurt.

Related: The 10 Least Similar Countries to Rwanda

Full Food Similarity Ranking of Countries and Territories

Rwanda’s Most Common Food Ingredients

Protein: Beef, Saltwater Fish
Fruit: Banana, Pineapple
Vegetable: Bean, Pumpkin
Starch: Cassava, Sweet Potato

Primarily based on 2020 data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.N.

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