The South Pacific Country Most Similar to Southeast Asia

1. Samoa, 2. East Timor, 3. Fiji, 4. Vanuatu, 5. Solomon Islands

The South Pacific Country Most Similar to Latin America

1. Fiji, 2. Vanuatu, 3. Samoa, 4. East Timor, 5. Solomon Islands

Countries with the Most Similar Food to Gabon

1. São Tomé, 2. Ghana, 3. Papua New Guinea, 4. Liberia, 5. Rep. Congo

The South Pacific Country Most Similar to Sub-Saharan Africa

1. Vanuatu, 2. Papua New Guinea, 3. East Timor, 4. Solomon Islands, 5. Samoa

Countries with the Most Similar Food to Micronesia

1. Kiribati, 2. Comoros, 3. Vanuatu, 4. Solomon Islands, 5. Papua New Guinea

The South Pacific Food Region

Characteristics of countries in the South Pacific Food Region

The European Country Most Similar to the South Pacific

1. Cyprus, 2. Albania, 3. Portugal, 4. Montenegro, 5. Croatia

Countries with the Most Similar Food to Fiji

1. Suriname, 2. Malaysia, 3. Trinidad, 4. Mauritius, 5. Guyana

Countries with the Most Similar Food to Vanuatu

1. Solomon Islands, 2. Kiribati, 3. Papua New Guinea, 4. Samoa, 5. Micronesia