Countries with the Most Similar Food to Guyana

1. Suriname, 2. Dominican Rep., 3. Fiji, 4. Jamaica, 5. Cuba

The International Tropical Food Region

Characteristics of countries in the International Tropical Food Region

The Caribbean Island Food Region

Characteristics of countries in the Northern Europe Food Region

Countries with the Most Similar Food to Dominican Republic

1. Cuba, 2. Venezuela, 3. Colombia, 4. Panama, 5. Guyana

Countries with the Most Similar Food to Suriname

1. Guyana, 2. Malaysia, 3. Panama, 4. Trinidad, 5. Mauritius

Countries with the Most Similar Food to Fiji

1. Suriname, 2. Malaysia, 3. Trinidad, 4. Mauritius, 5. Guyana

The Most Similar Countries to Suriname

1. Guyana, 2. Trinidad & Tobago, 3. Belize, 4. Dominican Rep., 5. Panama