The Middle Eastern Country Most Similar to the South Pacific

1. Pakistan, 2. Lebanon, 3. Tunisia, 4. Morocco, 5. Oman

The Latin American Country Most Similar to the South Pacific

1. Nicaragua, 2. Honduras, 3. El Salvador, 4. Panama, 5. Guatemala

Countries with the Most Similar Food to Gabon

1. São Tomé, 2. Ghana, 3. Papua New Guinea, 4. Liberia, 5. Rep. Congo

The South Atlantic Food Region

Characteristics of countries in the South Atlantic Food Region

Countries with the Most Similar Food to Micronesia

1. Kiribati, 2. Comoros, 3. Vanuatu, 4. Solomon Islands, 5. Papua New Guinea

The South Pacific Food Region

Characteristics of countries in the South Pacific Food Region

Countries with the Most Similar Food to Vanuatu

1. Solomon Islands, 2. Kiribati, 3. Papua New Guinea, 4. Samoa, 5. Micronesia

Countries with the Most Similar Food to Papua New Guinea

1. Vanuatu, 2. Solomon Islands, 3. Gabon, 4. São Tomé, 5. Ivory Coast

Extremely Different Countries with the Same Religion

Most people in these countries are part of the same religious denomination, but they are still extremely different