The Ethiopia Food Region

Characteristics of countries in the Ethiopia Food Region

The Nilo-Saharan Food Region

Characteristics of countries in the Nilo-Saharan Food Region

Countries with the Most Similar Food to Kyrgyzstan

1. Kazakhstan, 2. Uzbekistan, 3. Azerbaijan, 4. Tajikistan, 5. Armenia

The Central Asia Food Region

Characteristics of countries in the Central Asia Food Region

Countries with the Most Similar Food to Oman

1. Bahrain, 2. Kuwait, 3. Saudi Arabia, 4. Qatar, 5. United Arab Emirates

Countries with the Most Similar Food to Tajikistan

1. Turkmenistan, 2. Uzbekistan, 3. Kyrgyzstan, 4. Afghanistan, 5. Armenia

Countries with the Most Similar Food to Iraq

1. Iran, 2. Jordan, 3. Turkey, 4. Azerbaijan, 5. Oman

Countries with the Most Similar Food to Indonesia

1. Thailand, 2. Malaysia, 3. Philippines, 4. Sri Lanka, 5. Madagascar

Countries with the Most Similar Food to the Philippines

1. Panama, 2. Thailand, 3. Indonesia, 4. Guinea-Bissau, 5. Sri Lanka