The Most Similar Countries to Norway

1. Sweden, 2. Denmark, 3. Iceland, 4. Finland, 5. Germany

The Most Similar Countries to North Macedonia

1. Montenegro, 2. Bulgaria, 3. Serbia, 4. Bosnia, 5. Albania

The Most Similar Countries to New Zealand

1. Australia, 2. United Kingdom 3. Ireland, 4. Canada, 5. United States

The Most Similar Countries to the Netherlands

1. Belgium, 2. Germany, 3. Denmark, 4. Luxembourg, 5. United Kingdom

The Most Similar Countries to Montenegro

1. Bosnia 2. Serbia, 3. Croatia, 4. North Macedonia, 5. Bulgaria

The Most Similar Countries to Moldova

1. Romania, 2. Ukraine, 3. Serbia, 4. Belarus, 5. Bulgaria

The Most Similar Countries to Lithuania

1. Latvia, 2. Estonia, 3. Poland, 4. Czechia, 5. Slovakia