The South Pacific Country Most Similar to South Asia

1. Fiji, 2. Vanuatu, 3. East Timor, 4. Papua New Guinea, 5. Solomon Islands

The Caribbean Island Food Region

Characteristics of countries in the Northern Europe Food Region

Countries with the Most Similar Food to Bhutan

1. Nepal, 2. Ecuador, 3. Venezuela, 4. Cape Verde, 5. Malaysia

The South Asia Food Region

Characteristics of countries in the South Asia Food Region

The Southeast Asian Country Most Similar to South Asia

1. Myanmar, 2. Indonesia, 3. Malaysia, 4. Cambodia, 5. Laos

Countries with the Most Similar Food to Nepal

1. India, 2. Bhutan, 3. Bangladesh, 4. Pakistan, 5. Bahrain

Countries with the Most Similar Food to India

1. Sri Lanka, 2. Bangladesh, 3. Qatar, 4. Nepal, 5. Malaysia