Countries with the Most Similar Food to Jamaica

1. Bahamas, 2. Grenada, 3. Trinidad, 4. Barbados, 5. St. Lucia

The Caribbean Island Food Region

Characteristics of countries in the Northern Europe Food Region

Countries with the Most Similar Food to the Bahamas

1. Barbados, 2. Grenada, 3. Costa Rica, 4. Jamaica, 5. Trinidad & Tobago

Extremely Different Countries with the Same Climate

These countries have a similar climate, but little else in common

Least Similar Countries in the Same Region

Although these countries are part of the same region, they are far different from each other

The Most Similar Countries to Jamaica

1. Bahamas, 2. Trinidad & Tobago, 3. Belize, 4. Guyana, 5. Dominican Republic

The Most Similar Countries to Guyana

1. Suriname, 2. Trinidad & Tobago, 3. Belize, 4. Jamaica, 5. Bahamas