The South Asian Country Most Similar to Southeast Asia

1. Sri Lanka, 2. Bangladesh, 3. Bhutan, 4. India, 5. Nepal

The South Asian Country Most Similar to East Asia

1. Bhutan, 2. Sri Lanka, 3. India 4. Nepal, 5. Bangladesh

Countries with the Most Similar Food to Nepal

1. India, 2. Bhutan, 3. Bangladesh, 4. Pakistan, 5. Bahrain

Countries with the Most Similar Food to India

1. Sri Lanka, 2. Bangladesh, 3. Qatar, 4. Nepal, 5. Malaysia

Countries with the Most Similar Food to Indonesia

1. Thailand, 2. Malaysia, 3. Philippines, 4. Sri Lanka, 5. Madagascar

Extremely Different Countries with the Same Religion

Most people in these countries are part of the same religious denomination, but they are still extremely different

Least Similar Countries in the Same Region

Although these countries are part of the same region, they are far different from each other