Countries with the Most Similar Food to Bhutan

1. Nepal, 2. Ecuador, 3. Venezuela, 4. Cape Verde, 5. Malaysia

The Southeast Asian Country Most Similar to South Asia

1. Myanmar, 2. Indonesia, 3. Malaysia, 4. Cambodia, 5. Laos

Countries with the Most Similar Food to Dominican Republic

1. Cuba, 2. Venezuela, 3. Colombia, 4. Panama, 5. Guyana

Countries with the Most Similar Food to Suriname

1. Guyana, 2. Malaysia, 3. Panama, 4. Trinidad, 5. Mauritius

The South Asian Country Most Similar to Southeast Asia

1. Sri Lanka, 2. Bangladesh, 3. Bhutan, 4. India, 5. Nepal

The Latin American Country Most Similar to Southeast Asia

1. Peru, 2. Colombia, 3. Guatemala, 4. Ecuador, 5. Panama

The Southeast Asian Country Most Similar to Sub-Saharan Africa

1. Philippines, 2. Indonesia, 3. Myanmar, 4. Laos, 5. Cambodia

Countries with the Most Similar Food to Fiji

1. Suriname, 2. Malaysia, 3. Trinidad, 4. Mauritius, 5. Guyana

Countries with the Most Similar Food to South Korea

1. Japan, 2. Taiwan, 3. North Korea, 4. Malaysia, 5. Thailand