The Middle Eastern Country Most Similar to Southeast Asia

Determining the Middle Eastern country most similar to Southeast Asia requires considering various social, cultural, economic, and political factors.

One way to answer this complex question is by analyzing the data from the Country Similarity Index. The Index attempts to quantify how similar countries are to each other relative to other countries, using a variety of statistics from five broad categories: demographics, culture, politics, infrastructure, and geography.

According to the Index, Pakistan is the Middle Eastern country most similar to Southeast Asia. (Please note Pakistan is categorized as being part of both the Middle East and South Asia)
In contrast, Israel has the least amount of traits in common with Southeast Asia.

(Southeast Asian countries are defined as Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam)

graph of most similar countries in the middle east to southeast asia

Let’s analyze Pakistan with respect to these five categories: demographics, infrastructure, and geography to show why it is the most similar country in the Middle East to Southeast Asia.


Pakistan’s median age, while rising, remains relatively low compared to some Middle Eastern countries. Like many Southeast Asian nations, a significant portion of its population is under the age of 30, which is similar to countries like Indonesia and the Philippines. Pakistan’s economy shares some similarities with Southeast Asian economies, particularly in terms of its reliance on agriculture, manufacturing, and services sectors. So its people are not as wealthy as in other Middle Eastern nations.


While major cities in the Middle East often boast modern infrastructure, including gleaming skyscrapers and advanced transportation systems, Pakistan’s urban infrastructure, particularly in cities like Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad, may resemble that of some Southeast Asian cities. In both Pakistan and certain Southeast Asian countries, there are challenges in developing rural infrastructure due to geographical factors, uneven development, and limited resources.


Of countries in the Middle East, Pakistan is the furthest to the east, so it is closer to Southeast Asia than other countries in the region. Like several Southeast Asian countries, it borders the Indian Ocean. Furthermore, it is quit densely populated, a characteristic it shares with most Southeast Asian countries. Both Pakistan and certain Southeast Asian countries have quite mountainous terrain is well.

The Most Similar Southeast Asian Country to Pakistan

The Country Similarity Index suggests that Indonesia is the most similar country in the Southeast Asia region to Pakistan. Both Indonesia and Pakistan have majority-Muslim populations, making Islam a significant cultural and societal influence in both countries. These nations are classified as emerging economies with developing infrastructure and industrial sectors. They face similar challenges related to poverty, inequality, corruption, and economic development. Furthermore, both countries border the Indian Ocean and are quite mountainous.

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