The South Atlantic Food Region

South Atlantic Food Region Map

The Country Food Similarity Index groups the countries of Gabon and São Tomé and Príncipe into the South Atlantic food region. Despite being located in the Pacific Ocean, the diet in Papua New Guinea also has many attributes in common with this region. It is one of the 23 world food sub-regions identified by the Index.

Fish and seafood play a prominent role in the diets of the nations in this region, with a variety of species such as tuna, barracuda, and snapper being commonly consumed. Staples like wheat, rice, and cassave form the foundation of many dishes, often prepared as stews or soups enriched with locally sourced ingredients. The use of soybean oil, indigenous spices, and tropical fruits further characterizes the culinary traditions of these countries.

South Atlantic’s Most Common Food Ingredients

Grains & Starchy Roots: 1) Wheat, 2) Rice, 3) Cassava
Fruits & Vegetables: 1) Banana, 2) Onion, 3) Peanut
Meat & Animal Products1) Saltwater Fish, 2) Chicken, 3) Pork

Why these ingredients are common in this region

Bananas and plantains are rich in essential nutrients. They provide a quick and convenient source of energy, making them a valuable part of the diet in these countries. They thrive in the tropical climate of the this region. As a result, they are often incorporated into their traditional dishes.

The Atlantic Ocean is home to a vast and diverse marine ecosystem. Most of the people in the countries in this region live close to the coast. Their communities rely on fishing as their main source of protein. Tuna, Barracuda, and Snapper are three of the most commonly consumed fish in these countries.

Cassava is a root vegetable native to South America, however it was introduced to Africa by European colonizers. It is known for its resilience and adaptability to different environmental conditions. Where food security can be a challenge, cassava serves as a crucial source of calories and nutrients.

South Atlantic’s Most Unique Food Ingredients

(foods consumed significantly more than the world average)

  1. Banana
  2. Taro
  3. Saltwater Fish
  4. Yam
  5. Chicken
  6. Cassava
  7. Wheat
  8. Soybean Oil
  9. Turkey
  10. Peanut

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