The East Asian Country Most Similar to South Asia

Determining the East Asian country most similar to South Asia requires considering various social, cultural, economic, and political factors.

One way to answer this complex question is by analyzing the data from the Country Similarity Index. The Index attempts to quantify how similar countries are to each other relative to other countries, using a variety of statistics from five broad categories: demographics, culture, politics, infrastructure, and geography.

The Index suggests that China is the similar East Asian country to South Asia. In contrast, South Korea has the least amount of traits in common with this region.

(South Asian countries are defined as India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, and Nepal. Pakistan could be considered as either Middle Eastern or South Asian, but is included as well)

Graph of East Asian countries most similar to South Asia

China and South Asia have a long history of interaction. Historical trade routes, such as the Silk Road, connected these regions, fostering the exchange of goods and ideas. Infrastructure and geography stand out as two aspects in which China is particularly more similar to South Asia than other countries in East Asia.


China and South Asian countries are considered to have developing economies. This has led to rapid urbanization within the last few decades. Both regions are dealing with the challenges of managing growth and providing necessary infrastructure to support it. China and all South Asian countries have a significantly lower number of vehicles per person than Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. Their water and sanitary infrastructure is less developed as well.


The southwestern portion of China borders Pakistan, India, Nepal, and Bhutan. The Himalayan mountain range is located in between China and South Asia. Furthermore, like South Asia, China experiences a wide range of climates due to its enormous size. Both regions have areas with tropical, subtropical, temperate, and alpine climates, contributing to their incredibly diverse ecosystems and beautiful landscapes.

The Most Similar South Asian Country to China

The Country Similarity Index suggests that Bhutan is the most similar South Asian country to China. It is located in between China and India. Buddhism is a significant cultural and religious influence in both Bhutan and China. In addition, Dzongkha the official language of Bhutan is distantly related to Mandarin. Furthermore, most Bhutanese ethnic groups have ancestry that is more similar to China than other countries in South Asia.

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