European Countries with the Least Similar Demographics

Least Similar European Countries map - demographics

Demographics provide valuable information about the unique characteristics and composition of a population. But have you ever wondered which pair of countries have the least similar demographics in Europe?

One way to answer this subjective question is by analyzing the data from the Country Similarity Index. The index attempts to quantify how similar countries are to each other relative to other countries, using a variety of statistics. An analysis of the demographic data suggests that Finland and Albania have the least similar demographics on the continent. However, Albania’s demographics are also far different from other countries that border the Baltic Sea like Estonia and Sweden.

Finland – Albania

Due to a variety of different demographic factors, the populations of Albania and Finland are especially different. One of the most striking disparities between these countries lies in their average age. Finland, with a median age of approximately 43 years, has a significantly older population compared to Albania, at just 32 years. This is because Finland has many elderly people.

Albania and Finland’s ethnic groups are significantly different as well. Finland’s population is predominantly composed of people that speak Finno-Ugric languages. The country is also predominately Protestant Christian. In contrast, most Albanians speak Indo-European languages and are Muslim. Their genetics are significantly different as well. Most people in Finland are blonde and have blue eyes, unlike most other countries.

Another big difference is that people in Finland tend to have more years of schooling than Albanians. A much higher percentage of people in Finland have completed college. As a result, Finland has relatively higher income levels compared to Albania. The average wage in Finland is more than 3,800 euros per month. In stark contrast, Albanians make less than 650 per month on average.

Estonia – Albania

Albania and Estonia are another pair of countries in Europe that have especially different demographics. While Albania has more men than women, Estonia is one of the countries with the highest ratios of women to men. Another difference is that Estonians tend to be much taller and heavier than Albanians on average.

Just like Finland, Estonia’s population is predominantly composed of people that speak Finno-Ugric languages. There are also many Christians and Atheists in Finland. In contrast, most Albanians speak Indo-European languages and are Muslim. Therefore, a much higher percentage of men in Albania are circumcised.

Another big difference is that Estonians tend to have more years of schooling than Albanians. Over 18% of people in Estonia have completed college, in contrast to less than 1% in Albania. A much higher percentage of people in Albania work in agriculture, while people in Estonia tend work in the service industry.

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