Countries with the Most Similar Food to UAE

Country Food Similarity Index - Map of Countries with Similar Food to UAE

The Country Food Similarity Index is a statistically-based attempt to quantify how similar the food in one country is relative to another. By comparing the weight of raw food ingredients used in each country, a score is assigned that reflects the degree of similarity between the respective countries. The methodology is exactly the same for each country studied. 

The Most Similar Cuisines to Emirati Food

The five countries with the most similar food to the United Arab Emirates all border the Indian Ocean. Four of the five are Arab countries that are mostly Muslim located in extremely dry climates. These countries have a history of culinary exchange and similar ingredients.

  1. Qatar is extremely similar to the United Arab Emirates. Both Arab countries rely upon a huge amount of immigrants, especially from South Asia. Machboos, similar to biryani, is a popular dish made with spiced rice, meat, and vegetables. Chicken is the most commonly consumed protein in these nations. In addition, fruits like watermelons, dates, and bananas are common.
  2. Bahrain is another extremely similar country to the United Arab Emirates. Bread and rice are fundamental components of their diets. Various types of flatbreads, such as khubz, are widely consumed, often served with stews, dips, or grilled meats. Dates are a popular and traditional snack in both UAE and Bahrain as well.
  3. Oman is on UAE’s southern border. Both feature rice-based dishes like biryani and machboos, often flavored with a rich blend of spices. Grilled meats, seafood, and traditional breads are common elements in both cuisines. However, dates are even more popular in Oman than UAE. It does not have as many South Asian immigrants.
  4. Mauritius is the only non-Arab country on this list. However, it is another nation with a huge amount of people with South Asia origins. As a result, their commonly consumed food ingredients have a lot in common. Bread and rice are a staple foods in both the United Arab Emirates and Mauritius.
  5. Kuwait is another affluent nation in the Persian Gulf. Due to geographic proximity and historical ties, their cuisines are similar. Emirati and Kuwaiti cuisines feature a variety of mezze (appetizers) that include dishes like hummus, falafel, and baba ganoush. Furthermore watermelons and dates are commonly eaten fruits in these countries.

Related: The 10 Most Similar Countries to UAE

The Least Similar Cuisines to Emirati Food

The four of the five countries with the least similar food to the United Arab Emirates are located in Africa. These countries get tend to get significantly more rainfall than the United Arab Emirates as well. Four of the five countries are landlocked. Furthermore, these countries are not nearly as wealthy as UAE, so their food supply variety is smaller.

  1. Central African Republic is a former French colony in the middle of Africa. The majority of the country’s diet is based on cassava and yams. Bananas and plantains are also an extremely common source of food in the country.
  2. South Sudan borders Central African Republic. Cassava is the nation’s staple food. Sorghum is a large part of the country’s diet too. Porridge is one of its most popular dishes. Chicken meat is less commonly consumed there compared to UAE.
  3. Micronesia is a group of small islands in the Pacific Ocean. The country’s isolation has limited its exposure to foreign influences. Coconuts are a huge part of their cuisine. Cassava is one of the most commonly eaten starches in Micronesia.
  4. Burundi is another landlocked country located in the tropical regions of Africa. Its diet is in large part based on cassava, sweet potatoes, plantains, and bananas. Very little rice and wheat is eaten in Burundi as well, compared to UAE.
  5. Uganda emphasizes locally sourced ingredients and hearty, plant-based dishes. In contrast to UAE, cassava and bananas are a huge part of Uganda’s diet. Furthermore, the country relies on freshwater fish, such as tilapia for protein.

Related: The 10 Least Similar Countries to UAE

Full Food Similarity Ranking of Countries and Territories

UAE’s Most Common Food Ingredients

Protein: Chicken, Saltwater Fish
Fruit: Banana, Watermelon
Vegetable: Onion, Lentil
Starch: Wheat, Rice

Primarily based on 2020 data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.N.

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